quinta-feira, 8 de março de 2012

Líbia - estado federal?

Texto de declaração que ontem emiti, como relatora do PE para a Líbia, face a pulsões autonómicas e federalizantes assumidas pelas "forças vivas" de Benghazi:

"I understand the pride and the aspirations for autonomy of the people of Benghazi, who bravely rose and started the liberation of the Libyan people from the tyranny of Gaddafi. Therefore, one should listen to their call for an autonomous Cyrenaica region within a federal state. However, the nature of the Libyan state is a matter to be determined by the constituent assembly to be elected later in the year. This is the only way to have this matter settled democratically and peacefully, without jeopardising the unity of the state and the people of Libya. Libyans have already suffered enough from dictatorship and war."