sábado, 15 de setembro de 2007

"European benchmark"

«Portugal is outpacing all other Member States and is about to become the European benchmark in this respect. I understand that you have created a one-stop shop so that entrepreneurs need deal only with one authority that will take care of all administrative steps - in a single day. This won you the European Enterprise Award in the category "red tape reduction" in 2006. You have also extended the use of electronic means so that it is possible to set up a company over the internet, with no paperwork whatsoever. This is an achievement going far beyond the requirement of the EU First Company Law Directive. Sincere congratulations!
You have good reason to be proud of what you have achieved. I would like you to go on supporting our plans for simplifying the business environment at EU level with the same enthusiasm and skill with which you have steered your own projects to success.»

(Intervenção do Comissário Charlie MacGreevy sobre a reforma do Direito Societário, 13-09-2007)